USAID Follows WTN with Warning About Uganda Travel After the Anti-Homosexuality Law

In the wake of Uganda's controversial anti-homosexuality law, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has issued a travel advisory, following the World Travel Network (WTN), urging caution to individuals planning trips to...
Photo credit: Uganda Wildlife Authority

Baby Gorilla Born in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

In exciting news from the world of wildlife conservation, a new baby gorilla was born in Uganda on Valentine's Day! The little one was born to a group of gorillas in the Bwindi Impenetrable...

Boda Boda Taxi in Uganda

Boda bodas are bicycles and motorcycle taxis commonly found in East Africa. While motorcycle taxis like boda bodas exist throughout Africa and beyond, the term "boda boda" is specific to East Africa. In Kenya,...