Game ranger killed and 3 kidnapped at Virunga national park of DR. Congo


Virunga national park is one of the few home of the endangered species of mountain gorillas and this amazing park inhabits a quarter of the total population of the mountain gorillas in the world. it is located in DR.Congo North Kivu province, where armed groups are fighting for control of territorial and natural resources and poaching is a main threat.

On Friday anonymous attackers killed a ranger and kidnaped three people including two British tourists at Virunga national park a home to mountain gorillas in DR. Congo as said by the authorities.

Park director Emmanuel De Merode said, “I confirm that our vehicle was attacked. Three people were kidnapped including two tourists”.

“Two of the kidnapped people were British”, the park’s spokesperson Joel Wengamula added.

Way back in 1925, five rangers and a driver were killed in an attack at the park. Furthermore in May 2014 De morede the park director a Belgian national was wounded in a road ambush around the park and Guma.

On 2nd April this year, a park ranger was killed by armed men while he was guarding the site of a hydroelectric plant that is under construction.