A complete Uganda Travel Guide and Holiday Guide choice to Uganda based on your areas of interest. Whether you enjoy relaxing on the beach, visiting the savannah national parks or hiking a mountain, Uganda has you covered. All nature lovers are catered for; from hikers, bird watchers, primate loves, big five enthusiasts, or water sports, Uganda has you covered.

Uganda Travel Guide: Big Five Enthusiasts

The big five include; Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Buffalo, and Rhino. All these animals with the exception of the Rhino can be found in the national parks of Uganda which include; Murchison Falls National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Semliki Valley National Park, Lake Mburo National Park, and Kidepo Valley National Park – the so called savannah national parks.

The chance for visiting the big five is still very much alive in case the itinerary includes a stopover at Ziwa Rhino sanctuary on your way to Murchison Falls National Park or Kidepo Valley National Park. A trip to multiple national parks increases the chances of wildlife encounters. Note that these national parks have distinctive wildlife which might not be found in the other places.

Uganda Travel Guide: Primate Lovers

Uganda has majorly three national parks that are mostly visited for primates, these include; Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Kibale Forest NP, and Mgahinga NP. Bwindi and Mgahinga are mostly visited for the great Mountain Gorillas although Mgahinga also double for the golden monkey tracking, while Kibale Forest is mostly for the Chimpanzees. Kibale Forest is home to over 13 primate species which makes it the number one primate destination that any other park in the world. It is the only place in Uganda where you are guaranteed a 98% chance of viewing the chimpanzees in the wild. Note that most parks have a wind range of bio diversity and with this occurrence, chimpanzee tracking is also possible at Kyambura Gorge in Queen Elizabeth NP, Budongo forest in Murchison Falls NP, and at Semliki Wildlife Reserve.

Uganda Travel Guide: Bird Watchers

Birding in Uganda can be done all over the country. This actually would start from the moment you set foot in your vehicle. On the highways, open lands, and designated birding areas. Most bird lovers like the forest and the forest in the different national parks are often on the top of the list, these include; Bwindi Impenetrable NP, Semliki Wildlife Reserve, Kyambura Gorge, Budongo Forest, Mabira Forest. With over 1,000 species of birds recorded in Uganda, this is truly a bird watcher’s country of choice. There are also savannah birds that are sighted in the savannah parks all over the country. Note that there are also Albertine rift endemics that can only be sighted in Uganda. On your holiday to Uganda, be sure to add on your checklist of birds.

Uganda Travel Guide: Hiking Experience

Uganda has the third highest point in Africa at 5,109 meters above sea level on Mt. Stanley’s Margherita peak. Most people also prefer to hike this mountain because of its snow caps. This mountain is famously known as the snowcapped mountain of the moon. It derives its name because of the snow on the top of the mountain as well as the peaks of the mountain touching the clouds hence the name, “snowcapped mountains of the moon.” Hiking is also done at Mount Elgon which is found in the Eastern part of the country where you also have an opportunity of hiking to the Sipi falls. Then we have the 3 volcanoes at Mgahinga Gorilla NP which are hikes, these include; Mt. Gahinga, Sabinyo and Muhabura. Note that these activities of hiking require a high degree of fitness. Be sure to consult your doctor before coming for this activity for, some people have issues with altitude.

Uganda Travel Guide: Water Sport and Adventure

These are mostly done in Jinja which is regarded as the adventure capital of Uganda. Most of the water spots are regarded as family activities. Much as the other activities mentioned above might include an age restriction, especially the hikes and primate visits, most water spots do not have such restrictions. Water spots include; white water rafting, tubing on the Nile, boat rides, family float trips, kayaking, and also adventure activities of quad biking can be done in Jinja. It is at Jinja where you have a chance to visit the source of the mighty river Nile before it starts its long journey to Egypt.

Uganda Travel Guide: Scenic viewing

There are particularly two lakes that are worth visiting in terms of scenery, these include; Lake Mutanda closer to Kisoro and southern part of Bwindi and also Lake Bunyonyi which is a stone’s throw away from Kabale town. There are different activities arranges at these places which include boat rides, zip lining among others. The stories of guides here are fascinating especially on the economic activities of the people around the lake as well as connectivity between the different islands found on these lakes. These lakes offer a perfect opportunity for relaxation especially after visiting the different part of the country.