Giraffes Listed Endangered Species Under Threat of Extinction


For many years down the road human activities have led to distortion of the natural environment. The appalling increasing population of humans and what they do on the environment has done more havoc than good. The newest diabolical result of human deeds on the environment is the alarming decline in the number of the towering giraffes the tallest mammal on earth.  There has been an addition of two species of giraffes to the red list of endangered animals in context they are under threat of extinction.

The population of the giraffes has drastically decreased by over 40% in the last three decades which led them prone to extinction and following under the group of endangered species. This was reported by The International Union for Conservation for Nature (IUCN), an international organization responsible for preserving and conservation the natural environment and its species for sustainability.

Different travel blogs and conservationist came out to talk about the endangered species;

According to the Smithsonian magazine:

“The giraffes face two main threats, encroachment from cities and towns into their habitat and poaching. Poaching has become increasingly problematic. Some food insecure villagers kill the animals for their meat, but Jani Actman at National Geographic reports many giraffes are slaughtered just for their tails, which are considered a status symbol and have been used as a dowry when asking a bride’s father for his daughter’s hand in marriage in some cultures.”

The Irish post wrote,

“Two specific subspecies – the Kordofan and Nubian – were reclassified as ‘Critically Endangered’, with populations dwindling quickest in wild areas of Eritrea, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Malawi, Mauritania, and Senegal.”

All nine giraffe species are decreasing in numbers which has been caused by   mining, poaching, agriculture, and construction in those African countries that have them in their natural environment.

Dr.Fennessy adds:

“The biggest problem for giraffes, though, maybe the lack of attention over the years. “I am absolutely amazed that no one has a clue. This silent extinction. Some populations less than 400. That is more endangered than any gorilla, or almost any large mammal in the world.”

The African elephant and rhino are not the only targets of poachers, as they are also attracted by giraffes, whose heads and bones can be sold for up to $140 each. Yet, we need to raise the awareness of this serious issue before it is too late, for our children might only be able to see giraffes in the zoos soon.

Dr. Julian Fennessy, a co-chair of the IUCN Special Survival Commission, says:

“Whilst giraffes are commonly seen on safari, in the media, and in zoos, people, including conservationists, are unaware that these majestic animals are undergoing a silent extinction.

While giraffe populations in southern Africa are doing just fine, the world’s tallest animal is under severe pressure in some of its core ranges across East, Central and West Africa.

It may come as a shock that three of the currently recognized nine subspecies are now considered ‘Critically Endangered’ or ‘Endangered’, but we have been sounding the alarm for a few years now.”