Tips on How to Fly Safely During This Pandemic Period

Traveling and flying during the Pandemic

Covid-19 has ripped our lives into shreds. Nothing seems to be moving as usual. A lot of things have been at standstill due to the contagious nature of this viral bug (covid-19).

Countries went into total lockdown but some have lifted apparently. Life is looking like getting back to normal.  The movement and traveling has started taking course due to its importance. The world is a global village and international traveling is inevitable for trade, tourism and political concession.

However, countries are far apart from other and also divided by seas, oceans, large forests and mountains and this calls for flying as the better means of traveling from one place to another. So we cannot get rid of flying even in this pandemic period. People have to fly however dangerous it might be. Below are the tips of how to safely fly during this pandemic

Get Vaccinated or COVID-19 test

Getting a covid-19 jab or knowing your covid-19 status is the safest measure of flying during this pandemic time.  Most of the countries around the world have made it compulsory for every traveler to get a negative PCR covid-19 test valid for 48hours before travel.The testing certificate is presented by the traveler at the main entry points.

Some countries have advised its citizens to first get a covid-19 vaccination to embark on their traveling expeditions. More to that some countries are trying to come with a law of a vaccination passport whereby a traveler is supposed to get a vaccination certificate in order to be allowed to travel anywhere else.

Wear a mask at all times

Covid-19 is mainly spread by fluids that come from the mouth and nose, wearing the mask was one of the first recommended remedies of minimizing chances of getting the virus. This has been implemented by every noble organization. Every airlines advises its clients to wear masks at all times while on the fight, you can only get it off when drinking and eating.

The mask should be of cotton fabric as it allows one to breath thoroughly well and makes penetration of any droplets or fluids really hard. Normally persons of 2 years and above are advised to wear the mask on most airlines. At least carry about 4 masks while traveling, for persons using disposable mask carry as many as you can because you have to use a new one everyday.

Pack the right gears

The pandemic has changed the general life of travellers on the flight. Airlines have gotten away with giving out necessities which could be used openly for example the light blankets, pillows, tissues in the wash rooms. Therefore, a flyer is instructed to carry his/her own personal items like tissues, body cover cloth and water if possible. Hand sanitizer and wipes should not be forgotten on the pack list. The sanitizer is used to kill all the possible virus and germs which one may accidently or unknowingly carry from the seats or other airline public items.

Book the flight with the right Airline

There have been some adjustments in both the operation and service of the airlines. The interiors of the aircraft have been changed and also the arrangements so as to follow the standard operating procedures (SOP) of the covid-19. Therefore, a traveller should be cautious when booking the next flight with any airline. He/she should inquire about their guide of following the SOPs and then go for the airlines that follows the global regulations of the pandemic.

Pick the best time for the flight

Make research and know the times when the airports are less crowded both at your home airport and destination airport. Do not just make an assumption, remember the travel dynamics are very confusing and so hard to predict. Seek information from tour operators and frequent travellers. These sources will help you know the time when the airport is less crowded and this is also the best time to take a flight during this pandemic period.

Drive to the Airport

It is wise for a traveller to personally drive or hire a private rental car for the airport transfers to minimise public contact. Covid-19 is very contagious henceforth it is recommended to limit getting in contact with people. Try as much as possible to avoid public means like shuttles or buses where you can get in touch with different people whose covid-19 status you hardly know of.

Follow the rules at security checkpoints

At the airport check points rules have been adjusted in order to fit in the standard operating procedures of the pandemic.

For instance, travellers are instructed to exercise a social distancing while in the queues at the check points. Belongings like purses, keys, phones and other body accessories are only held out in the hands of the travellers as being put on the checkpoint tray has been dished out. This is all done to avoid contact amongst travellers.

Be precautious while on the flight

The coronavirus is contagious which spreads through contact with the infested person or place. The stain of the virus can stay in a place for some good hours. Therefore, one has to take personal responsibility, the authorities do their part and also as traveller you have to do yours by taking care of yourself. Always keep a social distance of 6ft from other travellers, wash your hands after using the toilets, make sure your mask is on while talking to someone and also sanitize when you touch high contact places like seats, buttons and toilet sinks.

Avoid after flight public transportation

When you land at your destination always use a means of transport that is less crowded or which is exclusive. Using a car rental Uganda or a private airport taxi will be the best option for the traveller. With a private transport means to transfer the traveller away from the airport limits him/her from getting in contact with many people who may likely be carrying the virus.

Don’t travel if any symptoms arise

There are general symptoms of covid-19 which have been put out by the World Health Organisation(WHO) and every sound person knows them. Some of them include;  fever, cold, flu and loss of smell. When any of the aforementioned symptoms show up, cancel the travel plans. Get tested and wait for 14 days and then embark on the travel programme again.