Uganda to Remove and Renovate The Queen’s Clock Tower

FLyover- kampala clock tower plan

Uganda National Road Authority is in contention to remove and renovate the historical Queen’s Clock Tower to get more space for the ongoing construction of the new Kampala express flyover.

The plan was reached on after an advice from its contractor shimizu-konoike who want to remove the iconic clock tower for the establishment of the walk path.

The Uganda National Road Authority posted on its social media accounts, “our contractors of the Kampala express highway, Shimizu-konoike have advised to demolish the current old clock tower establishment to let for the construction of the pedestrian bridge.

However, a new clock tower will be constructed in almost a similar fashion to replace the old one but in a slightly development place.

The top brass in the Uganda National Road Authority Allan ssempebwa said that projection and preparations have been made to start off the renovations.

The Express Road will be connecting Kampala city to the different routes out of the city Centre areas like Nsambaya road, Entebbe road/Queen’s way, Mukwano road and Jinja road.

UNRA is in final stages of demolishing the 66-year-old Clock Tower structure to pave way for the flyover.

The Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) is demolishing the clock tower in the city Centre. The 66-year-old clock tower is going to be demolished to pave way for the construction of the Kampala flyover. The construction period of this new traffic escape route will take 3 year to get done.

The clock tower has been one of the iconic and popular monuments in Kampala. It was set up to mark the visit of Queen Elizabeth II and Duke of Edinburg, Prince Phillip in 1954.  The whole link up lane from the clock tower to Kibuye roundabout was named after the Queen Elizabeth II, as it is called the Queen’s Way.

Kampala is full of effigy structures and the Queen’s clock tower is not the only one. The other Kampala monuments to encounter on a city tour include; Nantawetwa Monument around the Nakivubo Blue and Usafi market roundabout, this is in honor of Kabaka of Buganda, the independence monument at the roundabout in upper Nakasero, the world war memorial monument the oldest in the city and centenary monument at centenary recreation park along Jinja road.