Why Preserving Ancient sites and Buildings as Tourist Attractions is Important


Tourism is one of the income generating sectors in Uganda. Lots of efforts have been put up to bolster the tourism industry. Tourism in Uganda is nature based thus relying so much on the environment.

Due to the increasing human settlement and its encroachment on the environment, the future of tourism looks so much likely to be affected. This has resulted to change of climate, extinction of wildlife species and loss of natural habitats and henceforth there will be no more eco-tourism in Uganda in the near future.

So as a country, Uganda has to look elsewhere to attract tourists and this could be heritage sites and architecture. Many countries like Turkey, china, USA and Italy, their tourism is based on sightseeing where by visitors go to different ancient buildings and sites and get to know more about their background.

Uganda has so much more to offer in terms of heritage sites or old architecture. Some of these ancient sites are apparently one of highlights of a Uganda safari but not so much relied on or look at. They only complement wildlife tours.  Right now we have sites like Namugongo Martyrs Shine, National Mosque of Old Kampala, Bahai Temple, Bulange Mengo, Kasubi Tombs, Rubaga and Namirembe Cathedrals and so forth. When one takes a city tour around Kampala has an opportunity of visiting most of the above mentioned sites.

The ounce is now on the marketers like Uganda tourism board and the local tour operators to start fronting old buildings and sites as a tourism product. These old buildings have so much history about Uganda that is worth to listen and digest for every visitor interested in anthropology.